Self Defense Resources

I’ve decided to take my list of self-defense resources out of my printed materials and bring them online in an attempt to keep an updated list of books, websites, youtube channels, and products that I consider to be helpful. This page cannot possibly cover EVERY piece of good advice but I hope it will provide some inspiration for everyone who is interested in taking ownership of their safety.

Some of the resources below may be affiliate links which means if you purchase a book, course, etc. That means, at no additional cost to you, the seller of that item may give me a small reward when you purchase through my link.

NOTE: This page is under construction and if this note is still up it means I’m in the process of adding more content. Please keep checking back for updates.


The Gift of Fear – Gavin Debecker
    Kitsap Library: (audio)

Verbal Judo – George Thompson
    Kitsap Library: